Step Into The Action
For this TV commercial for the Middle East market, we produced an eye opening 30 second advert that seamlessly transitions from a living room via a rich, colourful high definition projection to the heart of the action inside a computer game. As he steps into the action, our Hero is magically transformed into a computer generated player in full kit on a football pitch, surrounded by a towering stadium.
Released on TV and social around the Middle East and Europe, this ad has so far scored over 4 million online hits.
Cast: Daniel Kakoulidis at BMA Models
Cast: Andrea Vasiliou at Base Models
Client: Epson
Director: Rollo Hollins
Producer: Zoë Waller
Cinematography: Aaron Reid
Lighting: Lee Parfitt
Visual Effects: Flock London
Editors: Rollo Hollins
Soundtrack: Mount Audio
Set Design: Meryn Cobbin